Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fitness Marketing Made Easy

Lets face it, if you want to succeed financially as a personal trainer you must understand, and implement sound fitness marketing strategies.

You could know more about exercise science than anyone you know, but if you don't market, and sell your services then you will be broke. If you are a personal trainer who demands success, then investing time on marketing is mandatory.

In order to make getting new clients easy you must first create a fitness marketing plan. Most trainers have no such plan. Without a well thought out, and focused road map you will most likely be inefficient, and lost looking for new clients.

When I mention creating a plan to other professionals in our industry they think it is a great idea, but have no idea how to create a custom fitness marketing plan. In response to the fact that 99% of fitness pros do not possess a roadmap; and most have no idea how to create one, I have listed a killer resource to assist you in creating your own custom road map.

Click here ----> fitness marketing plan for access to a simple 10 step planning system trainers are raving about!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

6 Steps On How To Become A Personal Trainer

The secrets of how to become a personal trainer can be expressed in 6 easy steps. For every passionate fitness participant who wants to be a fitness trainer I always recommend these 6 doable step listed below.

Becoming a personal fitness trainer can occur quickly if you stay focused on a proven success path. As you probably already know, at the time of publishing this article, there is no federal or state personal training license requirement to begin training your first client. This makes for a quick path towards starting your personal trainer business.

Please understand, before you begin your fitness training business, you have a responsibility to be professional. One of the most important parts of how to become a personal trainer is to understand how important it is for you to conduct yourself in a professional manner. Professional means you must acquire a basic personal trainer education, and continue to learn as your fitness business generates income. You never stop learning about exercise physiology, nutrition, and how to market yourself as a professional fitness trainer.

However, before you take on your first client, follow these 6 important steps to success.

1. Take an inventory of yourself.
Is becoming a personal trainer really a good thing for you? Do you have what it takes to generate a full-time, or part-time training income? Do you like fitness enough to make it a career? Do you enjoy inspiring people? Is the salary potential adequate for you in a personal training business? Are you committed to being professional, and investing in your personal trainer education? These are some of the important questions which need to be answered before moving onto step two.

2. Get personal trainer educated, and certified.

Your responsibility, when becoming a personal fitness trainer, is to educate yourself with basic anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. How can you guide others if you have no personal trainer training?

The good news is there lots of personal training certification programs that will help you acquire basic credentials quickly.

If you don't have a degree in exercise physiology, then you must be certified by an accredited fitness trainer certification. Here you can find out more about the 9 best personal trainer certifications in the World.

One of the most important aspects of how to become a personal trainer is to get educated, and certified. Credentials will power your personal trainer marketing, and increase your income.

It is also important to get your CPR, and first aid certification. You can go to your local Red Cross and get certified in a day.

3. Locate a job, mentor, and define your specialty.

Find a successful personal trainer who knows exactly how to become a personal trainer and succeed financially, and learn as much as you can from them.

In order to acquire valuable experience look for personal training employment in health clubs, gyms, and with individual trainers. Doing so will put you in a "learn as much as you can" mode to get ready to eventually operate your own profitable personal trainer business.

During this process you are going to want to figure out exactly what segment of the market you want to serve. I recommend becoming an expert in one segment. An example would be training athletes, people 50+, women only, fat loss, or even post rehabilitation.

4. Make continuing education a top priority throughout your fitness training career.
Personal trainer education should be an ongoing process that never ends. It is important to focus on staying on top of the current exercise physiology, and nutrition research in the industry. This will improve your qualifications, and marketability.

One profit tip on how to become a personal trainer is to invest in personal trainer business courses which will help market your fitness services. Without effective marketing skills you will not strive financially as a fitness trainer.

5. Improve the skill of personal training marketing.

Personal trainer marketing is one of the skills you must acquire in order to thrive financially. As I mentioned earlier, focus on building your marketing knowledge.

Successful personal trainers have a well thought out marketing system in place to generate new clients, as well as keeping existing clients. Make sure you have a marketing system in place for marketing your personal fitness trainer services.

6. Open your own personal fitness trainer business.
Once you have the educational knowledge, and experience it is time to start your own personal trainer business. Continuing a fitness trainer education, and marketing study are critical for success. With experience, you have many different options. You can start your fitness business in a gym, peoples homes, or even run your own fitness boot camps. The opportunities are endless. Personal training is only going to become more popular in years to come.

How to become a personal trainer is not too difficult. However, please understand it does take a commitment of professionalism, and following the 6 steps mentioned above.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tip To Increase Your Personal Trainer Income

If you are like most fitness professionals, then you want a much larger personal trainer income. In order to obtain this goal it is important to start doing the small things to improve your personal trainer business. You can start today by following the tip below used to profit by most six figure fitness trainers.

Most fitness pros' start training clients because they absolutely love fitness. They have enjoyed the benefits of a workout program themselves, and want to share their enthusiasm with others. The bottom line is most personal trainers are educators, and not fitness marketing mavericks. If you are one who wants a greater than average personal trainer income, then you must incorporate a balance between a fitness educator, and a marketer. The good news is there are a lot of resources available on how to market your valuable services. You can always read articles like this, or invest in a personal trainer course that specializes in marketing for fitness trainers.

Once you become a personal trainer, it is important to begin focusing on the fitness marketing side of things. The minute you train your first personal training business client, why not focus on leverage by having them assist you in increasing your personal trainer salary. Yes, they can very easily assist you in attracting more fitness training clients.

There are two easy ways that existing clients can help you attract new fitness business customers. The number one way is by clients informing their friends, family, and colleagues about your personal trainer business services. Getting excellent fitness results for your existing clients will motivate them into talking about the value you provide. Also, don't forget to ask them if they have friends that would be interested in your services. A good way to do this is by mentioning that you are in the process of expanding your personal fitness trainer business.

The second way of having your clients assist in generating a larger personal trainer salary is by starting a client progress, testimonial book.

When marketing your fitness services, just remember, documentation beats conversation. What I mean by this is inside your marketing materials it is important for you to have a third party proof of your claim in the form of text, pictures, and/or video. Doing so will definitely help attract many new clients as your personal trainer income begins to soar.

No matter if you are just becoming a personal trainer, or already have an existing fitness training business, make sure you start a testimonial log. Testimonial logs are comprised of before, and after pictures, written testimonials, as well as video endorsements.

Get as many third party testimonials as you possibly can. Remember, the more proof the better! Your testimonial log will be an important part of your personal trainer marketing plan. You can put this information on websites as well as fitness marketing brochures. The more proof you offer, the more sales you will make; thus, the larger the personal trainer income you will enjoy .

Don't forget to get your clients approval to use their information before placing it in your personal trainer marketing materials. If you are helping your clients get results, then they will have no problem helping you get the word out regarding your fitness trainer business in an effort to help you attract a more lucrative personal trainer income.

Doing the little things, consistently, to promote your personal training business will quickly propel you into the upper echelon of personal trainers. Start by taking before and after pictures of your fitness training clients. Pictures along with written, and video testimonials will quickly help your personal trainer income skyrocket up.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Is A Typical Fitness Trainer Salary?

How much money can a fitness trainer make? The full time personal trainer generally makes a fitness trainer salary of anywhere from $20 per hour to $150 plus per hour. That sure is a wide spectrum of rates!

A personal trainers salary has the potential to be lucrative, all depending upon a few crucial questions. Are you a personal trainer who works for a club, or for yourself? How much education do you have? What is your fitness career experience? Do you have a sound fitness marketing plan?

In order to answer your fitness trainer salary questions, you must answer these all important questions.

As you can see, a personal trainers salary can vary drastically depending upon many variables. Even location has something to do with how much a professional fitness trainer can charge.

Typically, a full time exercise trainer can earn anywhere from $20,000 to $150,000, plus, per year. The big question you need to know is why do some fitness trainers make $20,000, while others dominate the market, and generate over $150,000 per year?

First off, the high income earners take their fitness career seriously, which assists them in generating such a large fitness trainer salary. They treat personal training like a real business, and generally are self employed. The top income earning personal trainers all work for themselves so they can take home all of the personal training income instead of sharing it with a boss.

The most successful personal trainers continually invest in their education by way of scientific journals, and personal training courses that teach sales, and marketing. This thirst for continuing education really pays off in the long run.

Another important reason very successful personal trainers generate a large fitness trainer salary is they understand personal training marketing, sales, and business in general. If you become a personal trainer, and don't know anything about business, sales, and marketing, then you must quickly learn.

Remember, it is not how much physiology knowledge you posses, but how much fitness trainer marketing, and sales you can implement.

You can be the smartest personal trainer in the world, but if you don't know how to market, and sell your services, you will be broke.

To quickly sharpen up on your sales, and marketing of personal training, review this popular personal training course. It delivers a battle tested formula that any personal trainer can duplicate to generate a six figure fitness trainer salary. Just follow the blueprint that has already been proven to work by a Beverly Hills celebrity fitness professional.

The final, and most important reason that separating low personal training income earners from the upper echelon trainers is the understanding of time leverage.

Time is your most valuable asset. It is finite, and can't be given back. Therefore, you must maximize every working hour into profits.

A trainer with a lucrative fitness career focuses on multiple profit centers. What that means is money is being generated from multiple sources. This is what I refer to as ultimate leverage, and having the ability to generate passive income from all different sources, within the same hour.

There is a very popular personal training course called Fitness Info Business that reveals how to easily build a residual income fitness career that generates a large fitness trainer salary, all on autopilot. This is something you will want to study if you are serious about your fitness business.


To discover, step by step, how to generate autopilot, residual fitness business income, CLICK HERE NOW.

A couple of good examples of a personal fitness trainer leveraging their time is when they create information products, and market them online. Other examples include selling exercise equipment, vitamins, or even running a fitness boot camp.

My personal favorite residual revenue stream is to create an information product that can be marketed on autopilot over the internet. That creates a 24 hour residual income profit center. Money is then coming in at the same exact time you are training clients. However, it is all on autopilot, and doesn't require any extra work.

To make a long story short, your fitness trainer salary is whatever you want it to be. All you have to do is model what other top earning personal trainers are doing. A good start is by following the principles I suggest in this article. Another good strategy is to begin working on your personal trainer education by investing in useful personal training courses. Your fitness trainer salary is your choice!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Become A Personal Trainer With Profits In Mind

When you first become a personal trainer it is important to follow a proven business blueprint that will help you profit as quickly as possible. It is always wise to begin your fitness career on a profitable note.

Becoming a certified personal trainer is not that complicated. First off, there is no formal regulation in the personal training industry. Anyone who wants to can become a personal trainer. There is no need to be licensed in order to collect money for training individuals.

However, you must understand, your requirements to become a personal fitness trainer carry along with it a sense of responsibility. In order to be competitive, as well as contribute to the professionalism in the industry, you must have some formal personal trainer training, and possess a fitness trainer certification before you officially begin coaching people for money.

Once you decide to become a personal trainer you need to acquire trainer liability insurance, a CPR certification, and the proper fitness trainer certification. it is your responsibility to both your future clients, and the industry you represent.

CLICK HERE, right now, to discover how to become a six figure personal trainer.

Once you have the requirements to become a personal trainer out of the way, it is time to focus on how to maximize your fitness training profits. Below I list 5 personal training profit tips to help you quickly begin generating personal training income.

Here are 5 basic tips to follow in order to start your fitness career off in a profitable manner.

1. Treat your fitness career as a real business. Personal fitness training is a business. You must have basic business, and marketing understanding in order to maximize your profits.

Part of treating training like a business is to act professionally. If you think of yourself like a doctor, you will be paid like a doctor.

2. Keep an eye on your numbers at all times. As a fitness professional, it is important to know where your business is financially at all times. Set session goals each week. If your numbers are down, sharpen up your personal trainer marketing muscle. Every successful business owner sets volume goals, and knows their numbers at all times. Keep a close eye on what is happening, and where you can improve your fitness business.

3. When you become a personal trainer you must always be marketing. This is one of the most neglected skills seen in fitness coaches from all over the world. They really do not think they have to market.

You could be the greatest personal trainer in the world, but if you don't market your services, nobody will invest in you. Why? Because they will never know about you. That is why I recommend focusing on your personal trainer marketing each, and every day. You want a steady stream of training clients ready to invest in your services. As a matter of fact, you want a waiting list ready to train with you when you begin your fitness career.

4. Leverage your time using multiple streams of income. The most successful personal fitness trainers leverage their time by creating other revenue streams. After you get your fitness business going, it is time to diversify your profit stream.

There are many ways to do this. One of the most profitable ones is to create your own fitness related information products, and market them online. Many fitness trainers are profiting nicely doing exactly this. Many follow this very simple, step by step fitness business information product blueprint. This personal trainer course takes a fitness pro by the hand, and reveals, step by step, the secrets to easily creating a residual information profit center on the internet.

After you become a personal trainer you will soon realize your time is your greatest asset. Time is the ultimate commodity. Your goal is to be able to generate fitness income, residually, at the same time as training your clients.

5. Invest in continuing education. A top-notch successful personal trainer needs to consistently invest in themselves by studying the latest in fitness sales, and marketing.

That is right! It is not just exercise physiology you need to keep up-to-date with, but sales, and marketing too! The fitness sales, and marketing knowledge will assist you in reaching more clients you can assist.

So to become a personal trainer is not as complicated as you thought. However, it is imperative that you begin your fitness career by following these 5 important tips discussed in this article. It will start you off, and running into a profitable fitness business.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Personal Trainer Business Advice To Beating The Recession

Will your personal trainer business survive? Economic times around the world are very challenging at the moment.

What can you do to recession proof your fitness business?

The first thing is don't panic! There is a way out.

Here is a great video explaining what you have to do to shield your personal training business from financial trouble during these difficult times.

To view the video simple visit protect your personal training business.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tips To Profit In Your Personal Training Business

Running a profitable personal training business can be challenging if you don't have the proper mindset to succeed in your training business. I am always a firm believer in modeling the behavior of already successful people. Why try and reinvent the wheel?

Here is an article which states 3 personal trainer business tips that will really help your business grow.

Just by following these three tips you will be well ahead of your competition.

I really love the tip about over delivering. You always want to deliver more value than you charge. Perceived value of the consumer is very important when it comes to running a successful personal training business.

Another tip I would like to mention that the article didn't is continuing education. I feel it is extremely important to stay on the cutting edge of anatomy, physiology, and even marketing.

In order to stay on top of the latest fitness marketing strategies in your personal training career secure your free subscription this personal training business newsletter. After you confirm your free subscription you will receive a free report called "Personal Training Cash Killers." This report is a good read for your personal training business.